Your credit score is crucial when buying a home. Even if your score isn’t perfect, there are still pathways to homeownership. Let’s connect if you want to go over your options with an expert.
Mandy Gulley, Real Estate AgentAvoid These Common Mistakes After Applying for a Mortgage
If you’re getting ready to buy a home, it’s exciting to jump a few steps ahead and think about moving in and making it your own. But before you get too far down the emotional path, there are some key things to keep in min
Why Pre-Approval Is Your Home-Buying Game Changer
If you’re thinking about buying a home, pre-approval is a crucial part of the process you definitely don’t want to skip. So, before you start picturing yourself in your new living room or dining
VA Loans Can Help Veterans Achieve Their Dream of Homeownership
For over 78 years, Veterans Affairs (VA) home loans have provided millions of veterans with the opportunity to purchase homes of their own. If you or a loved one have served, it’s important to...
VA Home Loans: Helping Veterans Achieve Their Homeownership Dream
The purpose of Veterans Affairs VA home loans is to provide a pathway to homeownership for those who have sacrificed so much by serving our nation. As the Veterans Administration says of the program:
Home Sellers: There Is an Extra Way To Welcome Home Our Veterans
If you’re selling your house, work closely with your agent to make sure you understand the terms of all offers so you can give each one fair consideration, including those buyers using a VA loan. Our veterans sacrifice so much for our country.
Pre-Approval Makes All the Difference When Buying a Home
Being intentional and competitive are musts when buying a home right now. Pre-approval from a lender is the only way to know your true price range and how much money you can borrow for your loan.